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Showing posts from 2017

Priceless signs and signatures in Fort XI

Only local guides and enthusiasts know how much do the signatures mean to Prisoners of War (Stalag XXA) and its relatives. This time we came to fort with another element of its history. A history of a soldier who wrote a sign in the cell but also took this unique picture!

Educating the youth

 Today, Paweł went to his former High School to educate students about his passions. He gave a lecture about the importance of history and traditions in contemporary world. The students listened also to stories about Stalag XXA (20A).

Cellars, basements and other secret places

Cellars, basements and secret closets often hide more that any museum. See what I found in one of them very close to Stalag XXA area!

Mr Everret the most wanted

On the footprint of sad story According to Mr Jastrzębski PhD - It's impossible for anybody to survive - But I still believe that somebody lives. What happened? We are looking for relatives of Mr Roman Łoziński (born 1922) form Czersk. Franciszek Kołodziejski (born1 920) from Czersk and Piotr and Juliusz Osowicki from Chojnice. Dangerous connections Łoziński and Kołodziejski worked on a farm in Duża Cerkwica where they met British POW - Everett worked in a working party but he was impriosoned in Chojnice. Everett share his plan with Polish friends how to escape to London. They organized civilian cloths. Everett prepared food on the way. They planned to walk on foot. Escape. .. In July 1942 they escaped from Chojnice (Konitz), stole food from barracks and stop for a while in Piotr Osowicki's house, which was very close to the camp. There son of Piotr Osowicki decided to help and join to the escapers. Unfortunately, in the morning all of them were arrested and...
September is always a time to think about a WWII. This year The Instutute of National Rememberance relased a film which gives us a picture of Polish situation durings the times of WWII and afterwards. Worth seeing:

visit in Szubin (Schubin) Oflag 64

Last Saturday we had a great opportunity to take part in historical reconstruction of Oflag 64 in Szubin (Schubin), Stalag XXI, 75 km east from Toruń (Thorn). We saw a model of an Oflag made by kids from a nearby school, people dressed up in prisoners of war uniforms. The organisers prepared a small exhibition and performences devoted to living conditions in an Oflag 64. It was a great pleasure to be there and see a living history. Hope local people saw and therefore understood the concept of Oflags. Great job Mr Mariusz Winiecki from Oflag64Blog

Another unnamed story

It' s really nice when we find stories dedicated to Prisoners Of War of Stalag XXA (20a) in Torun. Accidentally we discover an interesting article about one POW whose garve was recognized in Germany. Pte George Henry Thompson died during the Long Marches. It is antoher story when unknown POW recoverd his identity. Now we also starting out new researches about POW who died in Torun. We hopethat after few weeks we could wirte here something. Below full text:

Aerial pictures of Stalag XXA (20a) in 1944

In 1944 Allied Forces started flying over Torun (Thorn) to enlarge knowledge about the town, infrastrucutre and garnisson. In archives till these days survived a lot of maps which show city and Stalag XXA (20A) area - but not all. On the picutres you see good all forts and wooden huts area excluded Stalag XXC . Even today some of remains are still visible and very often we show it our Guests. Stalag XX A (20A): Fort 11 and wooden huts Stalag XX A (20A): Fort 12 and wooden huts Stalag XX A (20A): Fort 13 and area Stalag XX A ( 20A): Fort 14 - Stalag Hospital and area Stalag XX A ( 20A): Fort 15 and area Stalag XX A ( 20A): Fort 16 - Stalag Prison Stalag XX A ( 20A): Fort 17 and main railway station

Stories are real heritage

Now in Torun left only few remains of  Stalag XXA. When we retraced paths of exPOW the really treasure is heritage cointained in stories. There are many fascinating about escapes from Stalag XXA. But each one is worthy to read:

Living conditions in the huts

One of PoWs described living conditions in the huts in Stalag XXA. Obviously living condtions changed throughout WWII because of weather, packeges and attitude towards PoWs and such like. A man said that there were 5 huts with 100 men in each one. In each room there were double-decker beds (sometimes there were even triple- decker beds-wtg). The beds stood aroud the walls. Each men received a sheet, pillow slips and two blankets plus a cover. Also in the room were lockers. For that number of people there were two tables. But most importantly, in the room was a stove- '' a pretty good one' as he said. Nearby was a wash -house so that they could keep clean all this time.

What about graves in Torun?

Since August we have a big discussion in Torun about mass graves which were discovered in Glinki (district of Torun). During the diggins workres found a huge number of sceletors. Works were stoped and area was closed till clear this case. It's good to know that since 1941 there was a wooden hut camp for Soviets and other nationalities. After the War since 1945 Red Army imprisoned there Germans PoW which existed in terrible conditions. Estimated of dead there is around 4 000 people. We knew about exhumations but eveything seems that not all of Germans graves were found. During our researches we have met a few people who gave us new facts about the camp after the war. Thanks German exPoW and Polish people who lived near the camp we know that was also Polish section there. We believe that when all researches will finish this place will be well memorialized and all investments will relocated. Below some picutres from local newspaper Nowości